Optional element to specify a target platform and version of the DimML code that is used. When present this should be the first element in a DimML file. Though all platform servers can send requests to all connected servers, adding a version immediately points the file to the right server.
version '2.2-adversitement'
Whenever the DimML platform receives a request from a webpage, an attempt is made to discover DimML files that are relevant to the page. The default behavior is to use the domain of the request URL to create a list of relevant DimML files. For instance, assuming the domain is www.example.com the list would be:
Any missing files are skipped. The remaining files can include import directives that will add additional DimML files to the end of the list like this
import 'customer/settings.dimml'
Each DimML file is identified by an absolute URI.
Imports refer to other DimML files using relative or absolute URIs. If the previous import statement is a part of /prod/www.example.com.dimml, the DimML file that will also be loaded as a result of the import is /prod/customer/settings.dimml.
Imports can only be done on a global level (not within a concept). How the content of the different DimML files is merged is described in the concept section.
In defining data collection logic for a website, it is often the case that some part of the collection process is reused in different places. DimML offers the concept of ‘extending’ or ‘inheriting’ logic to support this reuse.
concept A extends B, C { ... }
Note that when extending concepts defined in other files, the path should be included in the reference to the concepts. If for instance concepts B and C are defined in a functions DimML file, the code would look like this
import 'lib/functions.dimml' concept A extends 'lib/B', 'lib/C' { ... }
Matching page URLs to a concept can be done using a combination of various ‘match‘ instructions. They are combined using an ‘or‘ operator. The asterisk (*) wildcard is used for any number of characters (similar to the file system wildcard).
concept A { match '*/index.html' match '*/welcome.html' }
match 'http://example.com/products/books?size=large'
The interpretation is that a specific URI will match this rule if and only if:
Relative URIs are also allowed (eg. /products/books, //example.com, ?size=large, etc.). When a relative URI is used in the match expression, matching will only occur on the components that are present. For example:
match '/products/books'
Matching is done by traversing each of the file and checking each concept and match statement. This is done in order of loading and importing the files and the sequence top to bottom of the concepts. If a match can be made, the concept is chosen as the one use for the specific request.
Query matching
Matching on the query component of a URI works differently. The query component of a match expression is split into its parameters. The interpretation is that these parameters should be present in the target URI to match, but not necessarily in the same order. When the value is omitted, the parameter is only tested for its presence and it can have any value. For example:
match '?size=large&user'
This will match
It will not match
The special function $preMatch allows interaction with the client-side matching process. It can only be defined within the global scope of a DimML file; it has no effect when defined inside a concept. The signature of the function definition is:
def $preMatch = {doMatch => ` ... `}
Control over when the matching process (for this particular DimML file) should start and select a concept is relinquished to the $preMatch function. The doMatch parameter is a callback function that should be executed when the matching process should select a concept. Some examples:
def $preMatch = {doMatch => ` setTimeout(doMatch,1000); `}
def $preMatch = {doMatch => ` var handle = setInterval(function(){ if (window.jQuery) { clearInterval(handle); doMatch(); } },100); `}
def $preMatch = {doMatch => ` if (window.myLib) { doMatch(); } else { window.dimml.doMatch = doMatch; } `}
In the other javascript lib: if (window.dimml && window.dimml.doMatch) window.dimml.doMatch();
def $preMatch = {doMatch => ` var handle = setInterval(function(){ if (!window.s_c_il || !window.s_c_il[0] || !window.s_c_il[0].t) return; var s = window.s_c_il[0]; s.tttt = s.t; s.t = function(){s.tttt();doMatch();} clearInterval(handle); doMatch(); },250); `}
When you define a function with a name that starts with the dollar sign ($) it is considered to be a platform directive instead of an actual function to be used in your DimML program. This notion of platform directives by means of the dollar sign will be extended to other parts of a dimml program in the future. You should refrain from starting names with the dollar sign.
DimML applications are typically consumers: they act when called upon (e.g. when a page is opened). However it is also possible to start a data stream from initiated by DimML itself. These are called DimML services. The use of services (producer) requires 3 changes to a consumer DimML application:
For example the file www.o2mccron.service can be used to define a DimML service (eventhough the domain does not function as a website). The service concept runs based on the provided cron schedule:
concept CheckDB { match `0 0/5 * * * ?`@cron flow => sql['...', `DB`, batch = '1'] => select[`field < 0`@groovy] => ... => mail[`MAIL_OPTIONS`] }
An example of an extensive schedule:
concept CheckDB { match `0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI`@cron flow => .. }
By default all services have a limited lifetime (to prevent forgotten services that run perpetually). Services defined in the sandbox have a lifetime of 1 hour, development services have a lifetime of 1 day and production services have a lifetime of 1 year.
A special schedule is the ‘producer’ schedule:
match `keepalive`@cron
val type = 'example'
val url = `document.location.href`
val url = `document.location.href`@javascript
Furthermore you can call functions (see def statement) which are defined in the DimML file as well. If for example you have defined a function in groovy to define the page name, the (server-side) val statement would look like this
val pagename = `getPageName()`@groovy
concept Global { match '*' const CPT = 'Global' val a = `"the current concept is ${CPT}"`@groovy val b = `CPT`@groovy flow =>json =>debug plugin debug }
{"a":"the current concept is Global","b":"Global"}
is the same as
val url = `document.location.href`@javascript
Predefined constants
Every DimML application contains the constant _DEV. This constant is a boolean indicating if the application is running in a test environment (any environment that is not production) or not. This is especially usefull for writing a DimML application which for running in test or in production should take different actions. For instance the test DimML application should get files from the test folder, while the production application should use prod. The logic of this example can be combined in this code:
concept all { match '*' val pagename = 'home' flow => debug plugin debug }
Flows statements can also contain a name between brackets. The name between brackets identifies the bucket that functions as the source of data. The ‘default‘ bucket is a special bucket that contains the data collected through val definitions. If no bucket is specified the ‘default‘ bucket is assumed (as you can see in the first flow example). Furthermore you can point from any flow to any other flow and multiple flows. As a results DimML allows you to quickly create multiple data streams. In the example below you can see how the previously defined flow results in 2 additional flows
concept all { match '*' val pagename = 'home' flow => code[views = '1'] (debug) => json (ftp) flow (debug) => debug flow (ftp) => ftp[ host = 'localhost', user = 'user', password = '123456789', dir = '/tmp/upload', flush = 'true' ] plugin debug }
flow => json (goto-1) (goto-2)
Several flow elements may need parameters. These parameters contain string, regular expressions or code snippets. They should be separated with a comma (,) and can optionally be named. Note that only server side code is allowed because the flows are executed server side. By default server-side Javascript is used for the code snippets in the flow elements. If you want to use groovy, you can add @groovy after the last backtick. Parameters are placed within square brackets.
concept all { match '*' val pagename = 'home' flow => select[`typeof(pagename) != 'undefined'] => code[views = '1', pagenamelength = `pagename.size()`@groovy] => filter['pagename','pagenamelength','views'] => csv[mode = '1'] => debug plugin debug }
This will result in the following code in the Javascript console
def getQuery = `location.search`
val query = `getQuery()`
def getName = `return 'John Doe'`@groovy ... val query = `getQuery()`@groovy
For defining a function that takes parameters, the => notation is used. Multiple parameters are separated by a comma.
val sessionId = `getCookie('session')` def getCookie = {name => ` var i,x,y,cookies=document.cookie.split(";"); for (i=0;i<cookies.length;i++) { x=cookies[i].substr(0,cookies[i].indexOf("=")); y=cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf("=")+1); x=x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); if (x==name) {return unescape(y);} } return false; `}
plugin script ` console.log('the session cookie is: '+getCookie('session')); `
An example of using a server side function inside a flow
val url = `location` flow => select[`url.size() > 200`@groovy] => code[query = `getQuery(url)`@groovy] => json
A client-side event can be declared using the event element:
concept Global { match '*' event click = `window.click` }
event click = `window.click` concept Global { match '*' ... }
event buttonClick = `document.getElementById('button').click` event overLink = `document.getElementsByTagName('a').mouseover` event exitLink = `$('a.ad').click`
Furthermore an event definition can be extended with a function. The event will then only trigger when the expression evaluates to ‘Javascript truthy‘. Inside the function, the element that triggered the event can be accessed using ‘it‘ as a reference. In the example below you can find DimML code which sends a link’s destination URL to the Javascript console if you move your mouse of the link.
event overLink = `document.getElementsByTagName('a').mouseover` => `{destination:it.target}` concept Global { match '*' on overLink include { flow => debug } plugin debug }
As shown in the last example, the ‘on‘ keyword is used to specify an action when a DimML event occurs. When ‘include‘ follows the name of the event, any logic defined in the enclosing concept is used as well. Alternatively ‘do‘ can be used instead of ‘include‘, which omits the details of the parent concept.
Therefore this DimML code
event overLink = `document.getElementsByTagName('a').mouseover` => `{destination:it.target}` concept Global { match '*' val main = 'true' on overLink do CollectLink } concept CollectLink { val link = 'true' flow => debug plugin debug }
Results in
{link=true, destination=http://www.dimml.io/downloads.html}
While using the exact same code and only changing do CollectLink to include CollectLink will result in
{main=true, link=true, destination=http://www.dimml.io/downloads.html}
concept A { plugin script `console.log('A')` } concept B { plugin script `console.log('B')` } concept Global extends A,B { match '*' }
This will result in the text ‘A’ written to the Javascript console (and not ‘B’) since only 1 script plugin can be active.
More details on the exact working of the plugins can be found on the plugins page.
This means that
val url = `document.location.href`
flow => code [page=`url`]
The default language can be overwritten for a specific code snippets by adding either @groovy, @javascript or @dimml for Groovy, client side Javascript and server side Javascript respectively after the closing backtick of the code snippet. Note that not all overwrites are possible; if the execution takes place on the server for instance, client side scripting is no longer possible.
For example
val url = `getURL()`@groovy
The default language can also be changed between statements in a dimml file or concept. The new default language is set from that point forward until the scope ends. The code below illustrates that.
@groovy def fun1 = `...` // groovy concept A { val v1 = `...` // groovy @javascript val v2 = `...` // javascript def fun2 = `...` // javascript } def fun3 = `...` // groovy